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Unser besonderer Dank gilt unserem kompetenten Reisebüro PlanReisen, der uns als Spezialist für Indienreisen seit über 10 Jahren bestens betreut.

Mit  Unterstützung von


Gerd Gruhn




Hochzeit, Event, Studio und mehr


Since 2013 we are getting funds from the government programm "Kultur macht stark!" ("Culture makes you strong!") and have increased our number of projects.

Since 2010 we are doing the same here in Germany.

Since 2009 we are doing theatre projects with children in India.


Information about the projects in Germany are only available in german language.

Information about the projects in India are available here: Click on the pictures to read the brochures online.

Experimental Theatre with Children on Andaman Islands, India.

Describes our work there in 2008-2009. Explains the theatre method and tells our experiences in a diary-style.

Experimental Theatre with Children in Bodhgaya, India.

About our work in Bodhgaya in 2009. Describes in detail the theatre method we are working with.

Experimental Theatre with Children in Bodhgaya, India. Part 2.

Continuation of our work in Bodhgaya. Pictures from our stay in 2010: Development of the show "Dreamtime" with several performances, face painting, acrobatics, yoga, etc.

Dreamtime - a magic journey.

A colourful booklet that describes the show "Dreamtime - a magic journey" with the childrens' theatre group "The Dreamcatchers", Bodhgaya.

Calendar 2011

With a selection of the best pictures from our projects on Andaman Islands and in Bodhgaya.